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2019 Presentations 

Vyn, T.J. and T.D. West. 2019. Relative Tillage and Rotation System Performance in Corn and Soybean with Progressively Later Planting Dates. 51-13. Oral presentation to Division C03. ASA, CSSA & SSSA International Annual Meetings. San Antonio, TX. November 10-13, 2019.


Olmedo Pico L.B., Vyn T.J. 2019. Nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry in maize kernels during grain filling. 5-Min Oral & Poster Presentation to Division C03. ASA, CSSA & SSSA International Annual Meetings. San Antonio, Texas, USA. November 10-13, 2019.


Olmedo Pico L.B., Zhang C., Vyn T.J. 2019. Nitrogen management consequences on endosperm cell number formation in maize kernels. Oral Presentation to Division C02. ASA, CSSA & SSSA International Annual Meetings. San Antonio, Texas, USA. November 10-13, 2019.


Schwarck, Lauren E., Murrell, T.M.  Scott, Vyn, Tony J. 2019. Potassium Fertilizer Impacts on Nutrient Dynamics and Yield Formation in Maize Production with Conservation Tillage. Poster presentation to Division C03. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings, San Antonio, TX. November 10-13, 2019.


Thompson, N.D., and T.J. Vyn. 2019. Plant-to-Plant Uniformity in Growth and Development in the Context of Maize Response to Banded Nitrogen at Seeding. 451 - Poster and 5 Minute Rapid Oral presentation to Division C03. ASA, CSSA & SSSA International Annual Meetings. San Antonio, TX. November 10-13, 2019.


Olson, M.B., M. Crawford, and T.J. Vyn. 2019. Maize Hybrid Efficiency Estimation Based on Remotely Sensed Hyperspectral Vegetation Indices. 12-12. Oral presentation to Division C02 American Society of Agronomy Annual Meetings, San Antonio, TX.  November 10-13, 2019.


Tuttle, Q., J. Schussler, and T.J. Vyn. 2019. Leaf Nitrogen Dynamics in Transgenic Maize during Grain Fill. Poster presentation to Division C02. ASA, CSSA & SSSA International Annual Meetings. San Antonio, TX. November 10-13, 2019.

2020 Presentations

Lauren's North Central Fertility Poster

2019 Poster Presentations ASA/SSSA/CSSA

Cropping System students from Vyn Lab's did an excellent job presenting research data at this years ASA/SSSA/CSSA meetings in San Antonio, TX.


Vyn Lab's at the 2019 International Annual Meeting of ASA/CSSA/SSSA


Quincy Tuttle at his poster presentation


Lia Olmedo Pico and Dr. Tony Vyn at her poster presentation


Lauren Schwarck at her poster presentation

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